Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ice Ice Go Away..Don't Come Back Another Day!!

Okay so it hit us again this u guessed it we have no school..damn it!...

So I'm laying on my couch being the lazy person that I am and my neice calls and tells me that my babies wanna see me...I don't get to see them as much as I use to..we were neighbors but not nemore...well Toni has 4 beautiful kids..3 girls and one boy...Desirae is 5..Brooke is 4..Cassie is 1 and Mathew is 7 months...and let me tell u these kids carry my heart in the palm of their hands..for as small as they are my big butt is wrapped around their lil finger...and they know it...

So I went out to see them and the Lunar Eclispe thingy happened and I got to share it with them..not sure if they know what they were really looking at but the knew the moon was being covered up...It was neat...Was really glad to have enjoyed it with Tones and the kids and mine as well. Marky kept watching the time and couldn't wait till it was time...I'm glad he enjoyed it..

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